29 Feb 2024 Podcast: Deep Dive – The Economy State By State, Building Reforms & RBA Meeting Changes
In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the state of the economy.
Recently, Evelyn attended an event hosted by the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) in Melbourne, where we had a presentation from one of the heads of Heron Todd White, a valuation firm, discussing the current economic landscape.
Additionally, we explored insights from the ComSec State of States report, which analyses the performance of Australian states and territories.
Notably, South Australia ranked number one in growth for the first time ever, followed by Victoria and New South Wales.
View the state of the states report here.
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You Have My Interest is brought to you by Everlend, a mortgage and finance broking firm built for the purpose of educating and empowering you to make informed financial decisions tailored to your wealth goals. Find out more and book in your free initial consultation at https://www.everlend.com.au/
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Podcast produced with Apiro