In this episode, we learn all about asset finance with Will Hamer from Hamer Finance, who shares valuable insights and strategies for leveraging assets to achieve financial success. We explore the fundamentals of asset finance, its role in preserving capital and optimising cash flow for individuals and companies, and the crucial role of asset finance brokers in connecting clients with suitable lenders. Will shares his wealth of knowledge in deal structuring, term negotiation, and the art of securing the best financing options for clients. Whether you're a business owner seeking growth or an individual looking to finance essential assets, this episode equips you with knowledge to make informed decisions for your potential finance needs. Join us on this amazing episode with Will to learn more about the world of asset finance and gain valuable strategies for success. You can get in contact with Will and his team via his website here:

In this episode, we answer your burning questions with Buyer’s Advocate Aife Horsley, diving into the world of buyer's agents and exploring a range of key aspects related to their role. We start off by examining the trade-off between capital growth and rental yield when selecting a property, and what’s best for your long-term goals. We also delve into commission structures and how buyer's and vendor’s agents are compensated, shedding light on the implications for their clients. Furthermore, we compare the advantages and disadvantages of buying in regional areas versus metropolitan areas, considering factors such as affordability, lifestyle, and investment potential. We also emphasize the value of local knowledge and how buyer's agents with deep expertise in specific areas can uncover hidden gems and secure the best deals for their clients. Join us as we unravel these questions and provide valuable insights into the world of buyer's agents. Whether you're a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, this episode will equip you with the knowledge and understanding to navigate the real estate market with confidence.

In this episode, Evelyn and Maddie dive into the world of grants, schemes, and concessions which can significantly assist homebuyers in Australia. We guide you through the complexities help you make informed decisions on your path to homeownership. We start by understanding the basics of what they are and how they differ. There have been updates to some of the schemes last week, so we’ll take you through what’s changed. We explore the eligibility criteria and discuss state-specific variations and recent updates to the grants, schemes and concessions across different states & territories. One of the most significant grants is the First Homeowner Grant (FHOG), designed specifically for first-time homebuyers purchasing new homes. We explore the eligibility criteria and discuss state-specific variations and recent updates to the grant across different territories. Stamp duty is a significant consideration for homebuyers, so we'll delve into stamp duty concessions and exemptions. We break down what stamp duty is and how it affects your home purchase. We also touch upon other grants and schemes aimed at specific demographics or circumstances, such as the First Home Guarantee Scheme, Family Home Guarantee, First Home Super Saver Scheme, and Help to Buy Schemes. These additional programs can provide further opportunities for aspiring homebuyers. See the NHFIC website here: More information on “Help To Buy” Shared Equity Scheme:

In this episode, Maddie takes you through a quick property world update and then dive into the episode centred around our clients who used equity in their home to invest in a profitable real estate portfolio. You'll learn from their experience and gain expert advice on how you can use equity withdrawal to build wealth through real estate investment. Don't miss this episode if you're looking to take your first steps into property investment!

In this episode, Evelyn and Maddie sit down with buyer and vendor advocate Aife Horsley from Raveche Property Group to learn more about how buyer’s advocates can benefit homebuyers. A buyer's advocate is a professional who works solely on behalf of the buyer during the home buying process. They can help buyers navigate the complicated real estate market, source un-advertised properties, negotiate with sellers, and ensure that buyers get the best deal possible. We discuss the specific ways in which a buyer's advocate can save buyers time, money, and stress during the home buying process. Specifically, understanding why it is so important to lean on the professional knowledge of an experienced buyer’s advocate is. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, downsizer or a seasoned pro, this episode will provide valuable insights into the benefits of working with a buyer's advocate. Connect with Aife Horsley: Raveche Property

On this episode, Evelyn and Maddie explore the benefits of using equity in your property and how it can be a powerful tool in building wealth and securing your financial future. First, we discuss what equity is and how it's calculated. We also talk about the difference between personal-purpose equity and investment-purpose equity, and why understanding this distinction is important. Next, we dive into the various ways you can use equity to your advantage. We discuss how equity can be used to fund renovations, pay off high-interest debt, invest in other properties, or even start a business. However, it's important to understand that tapping into your equity comes with some risks, especially if you’re not using equity on appreciating assets. We talk about how to determine if this move is the right financial move for you, and how to work with lenders and financial professionals to ensure you're making the best decisions for your situation.

US real estate influencer Ruben Garcia joins the podcast to shift your mindset about what's really possible in property. Ruben is a real estate agent, coach, consultant and investor based on the US east coast. He's had huge success in sales and business development and is now focused on giving away all of his secrets and strategies. There's many key lessons for Australians who are used to following a 'tried and true', longer-term approach to property investment. Ruben has switched modes to the short-term market and is seeing an instant pay off. He says it is just one example of the importance of getting clear on your goal, and then working out what is the best strategy and vehicle to get you there. He's also focused on the power of disruption - doing things that others aren't doing, and grasping the opportunity that fear and risk brings. Connect with Ruben: Enjoy!

Continuing on from our previous episode's Deep Dive on Pre Approvals, Maddie hits Evelyn with the big questions on the topic including: - How important are Pre Approvals? - How long is a Pre Approval valid for? - When should you apply for a Pre Approval? - Do Pre Approvals impact your credit score? - Should you pay out your HECS debt before applying for a Pre Approval? Enjoy!